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Learning to Trust Part 3: The Offer Page 3

  Vibration clouded my mind again, causing me to rock against the wall, my head pressing so hard against that soft material. My hips reflexively rocked back and forth, my body under the impression that I was being fucked senseless. I was filled totally down there—and I loved it. I twisted and fought the restraints, not to escape, but to direct my growing energy somewhere. In that moment, I truly had forgotten whom I was, my identity gone. The only thing mattered was that he was Sir and I was his pet. That was why this was a scene. Oh, the sweet torture of it all!

  He stopped and continued probably four or five more times, dangling my climax right over my head, just barely out of reach—and watched me scramble for it. I couldn't think clearly anymore, so overwhelmed by the needs of my body. I wanted to come so badly, worse than I'd ever wanted anything before. Sweat trickled down my brow from the tension, the fatty flesh of my thighs and ass so swollen and red. I had willingly put myself into this situation, allowing this man I barely knew to control me, to manipulate my nerves and reflexes.

  "I think it's almost time, my pet," he said, heat in his voice. The vibrator came out of my ass—and was replaced with his cock. Roland pressed up against my tender little hole, so sensitive after the massive barrage of vibrations. His cock seemed to throb with excitement, his body ready to take my anal virginity. I heard the lube again, feeling that cool sensation as it dripped down my crack.

  "Oh god," I moaned loudly, feeling his bulbous head spread my asshole open even wider than it had been before. My immediate discomfort faded fast. He pressed into that tight darkness, allowing my muscles to clench his width, his power. My muscles begged him to move forward, the anticipation nearly killing me. "Deeper," I pleaded. He actually took that order from me.

  "Oh yeah, it's such a tight little asshole. So lovely." Roland groaned as he went deeper and deeper into me, stopping when his thighs rested against my ass, a warm collision even though my tender skin burned. His hips started to rock back and forth, sending his hardness into me, in and out, over and over.

  I imagined the scene in my mind as I felt it, picturing the look on his face, his eyes staring forward with intensity as he watched me move, totally helpless, a slave to his desires. I loved how it felt and I loved how it looked. The blindfold made me picture something totally different than if my eyes were open. The image was so much more vivid in my mind, the colors exploding forth with boldness as they synchronized with the pleasure that raged through my body.

  The air was filled with the sounds of our bodies slapping together. Roland thrust into me repeatedly, stripping me of my anal virginity with such vigor. It was so dirty, so filthy. He was right—I was a dirty little whore. His cock hammered against my sensitive rings of muscle, filling me entirely, pressing against the back wall of my pussy as he began and ended each thrust. Pleasure moved through my body in undulating waves, waves I suspected were only going to get even more powerful than they were now. I was right again.

  "Here we are, my pet," he moaned. "Come for me now!" The vibrator in my pussy swelled to life, literally causing my middle to hum in more ways than one. I saw my orgasm just over the horizon, imagining it like a bright burning light, one that was likely to explode into fireworks at any moment—and it did.

  I had no idea how long our event had lasted, but I did know he had been teasing me for a long time. When that climax hit me, it was like every nerve in my body awoke at once, hardening my nipples, curling my toes, causing goose bumps to spread out of control along my skin. I literally screamed with delight, my howls almost totally muffled by the ringing in my ears. I did see that bright light, that energy, that heat. I gasped again and again, my head so firmly against the cross, my chest begging me for more air, my drool smearing against my cheek. The muscles in my pussy hugged that vibrator so tightly that I feared I might crush it inside of me.

  "Yes, my pet! Yes!" Roland groaned a guttural sound that would haunt me for weeks afterward as I felt that unmistakable feeling of him coming inside of my ass. His cock contracted against my muscles as he spilled his seed, one spurt at a time into that dark tightness. It prolonged the sensations of my near never-ending orgasm.

  Finally, he and I were both spent, our bodies ragged and exhausted. He pressed his cock into me one last time and left it there, wrapping his arms around my body and holding me. His hands found my breasts and caressed them for a brief moment, almost like he was just making sure they were still there. He let them go and traced his fingers through my hair, gently kissing my neck through the spaces in the strands. I felt so warm and fuzzy, drunk from the bliss.

  I actually hated when he pulled out of me, leaving me feeling so empty inside. He also removed the vibrator from my pussy, leaving me totally hollowed out. The straps popped loose on my arms and legs and I almost fell over, my legs like Jell-O. Roland took me in his arms and carried me over to the table where he had fucked me yesterday, setting me down ever so gently, like he was worried I would break. He kissed my lips and I kissed him back, thankful for that he had done for me. Everything felt so different. I had been on such a wild journey of self-discovery since I met Roland Starland.

  "I'll be right back, Marisa," he said. I heard his footsteps trail off.

  I stayed there, head clouded with pleasant thoughts, just taking a moment to study the day's beautiful discoveries. I couldn't believe I had permitted him to take me like that, to hurt and humiliate me—and then bring me pleasure that I'd never be able to forget, pleasure that literally blew my mind. His footsteps approached me again.

  "Are you going to leave that thing on all day?" he asked.

  I had totally forgotten about the blindfold. "Oh yeah," I said, suddenly remembering it. I undid the knot and very cautiously opened my eyes. Roland had dimmed the lights from how they were before, making the transition a lot easier. I still struggled to adjust, somewhat perplexed and overwhelmed by my re-established fifth sense. Roland was right there, butt-naked, smiling at me. He sat down in his recliner again, leaving me on the table.

  "How was that, Marisa? You did a fine job, really."

  "Well, uh, it was great," I said, knowing that even the word great was a massive understatement. Honestly, I felt like I had been on an alien planet for the last couple of hours.

  "I'm glad you enjoyed it, Marisa. I'm sure there are things you'd like to ask me."

  Really, I didn't feel like asking anything at all. I was calm and relaxed, not wanting to dig through my brain for tough questions. Still, a small amount of old Marisa remained, so I did my best.

  "Uh, so StarChem, Roland. What happened with it? Why is it a confusing piece of the Starland puzzle?"

  He sat in the chair, one leg crossed over the other, confident and upright. "Well, Marisa, StarChem was actually a project of my Father's that he started before his death. He basically forced me to work on it." His confidence seemed to fade as a sullen look came over his face. "It was very tough for me, Marisa, but I did it anyway. And then I got carried away. I wanted to make more money. I wanted to grow the empire. I was a man obsessed with greed, with expansion."

  I saw it in him, the ability to be greedy, the ability to reach and take whatever he wanted. There was a glimpse and then it faded. I said nothing, waiting for him to collect himself once again.

  "The government got involved—I really don't know who contacted who first—and we hashed out a plan to spread the reach of the company. We worked out agriculture contracts for small farmers in countries all around the world, poor farmers that barely got by. They were offered subsidies for using StarChem products on their crops. These were people that would have been far better off had we never got involved. People died from experimental chemicals that never should have made it out of safety testing."

  I simply couldn't believe what he was saying. In all of the research I had done leading up to our interview, I hadn't found any of this. Suddenly I was awake and aware, almost totally oblivious to the fact that I had just had a gigantic orgasm that almost caused me to lose consciousness. "Roland
, I never heard a thing about any of this. How the hell did you cover all of this up?"

  "We either used existing companies in the countries we targeted. If there wasn't anything suitable, we set up fronts that no one would ever suspect. It was like guerrilla contracting, I guess. We had a guy working for us with an impeccable track record and it paid off—for us only. This happened almost twenty years ago, Marisa. I'm totally ashamed of it. It's one of the reasons why I stepped down from everything after I screwed up again."

  "It's done now, right Roland? The contracts are over, right?" I was actually kind of mad, mad for the people that had been wronged through his company.

  "Marisa, it's long gone. We kept this so well under wraps that no one heard about it. I realized the damage I had done, but I also realized that if the information got out, it would tarnish the company forever. I didn't want people to lose jobs in my company, so I just shut up and moved on. It's so hard to keep a secret like that."

  I felt very sorry for him, a larger than life man that had been reduced to nearly nothing. His power was still nearly endless, but heart made him vulnerable and weak. He had given me so much pleasure, so much care and attention, yet done the exact opposite to innocent people around the world.

  "Marisa," he said, "I prepared for you for a long time. I never would have let you in the door if I didn't personally want to reveal my secrets to someone. I decided I would test you first, to see if you could really handle my truth—and you passed. I didn't expect you to actually learn to trust me." He laughed to himself. "I figured you'd just call me a pervert and run out the door. But you didn't."

  "Well, you've taught me a lot about myself too, Roland." I felt such a warm fondness for this man, a man that had forced me out of my shell. I had been stressing myself out daily for almost ten years, thinking of nothing but work. The weirdest part was that I was more pleased about the fact that Roland had confided in me than I was about the information itself. Normally I would be thinking about the story I was going to write, the words, the images, the emotions evoked. And in this case, there were many. However, something was different. He was humbled, more at my level than in the clouds where billionaires usually sat.

  "I want to make you an offer," he said.

  Is he going to pay me to keep quiet? It was the first thing that came to mind.

  He seemed to read my mind. "No, I assure you it's not like that. There are two choices. I want you to leave with the information I've provided to you, and I want you to parade it everywhere. I want you to bring the truth forward, no matter what comes with it. You are a reporter and so that is what you will do. It will be the story of a lifetime, I assure you of that."

  "And what's my other choice?"

  "Give it up, Marisa—and stay here with me. There's something very special about you, something I've never seen before in a woman. Stay for any amount of time that you like, but I would love to spend at least a fair amount of time with you. Your expenses will be paid and your personal finances will be plentiful, far more plentiful than journalism could ever make them. Allow me to take care of you, Marisa. Be my little pet."

  He held out a collar, one that was encrusted with diamonds. In the center was a red diamond, one more beautiful than any piece of jewelry I'd ever seen in my life. Off to the side there was a gold emblem with my name on it

  "Whoa," I said, totally taken aback. "You want me to stay with you? And wear that?"

  "I want you to go for it all—or I want you to stay with me. You're a woman of extremes, so I know you couldn't half-ass it if you tried. The collar means you're exclusive to me, unless I say otherwise. It would mean so much to me if you wore it."

  "But Roland, I have my job, and my apartment—" This was crazy. It was like I was already trying to make this work.

  "You're a free woman, Marisa. You actually have nothing holding you back—and I know that you're lonely. You're going to fly back to that huge city that doesn't give a shit about you and continue to work your ass off until you die. You'll miss some of the best years of your life. I know because I did."

  I didn't know what the hell to think. I wouldn't have expected this in a million years. I felt woozy and lightheaded, my mind spinning like a carousel.

  "You don't need to decide right now," he said. "Go back to your hotel and think about it."

  Whew. I feared he was putting me on the spot. I guess not.

  "Okay," I said. I stood up and put clothes back on my body, pausing for a moment to straighten them out. I didn't really want to leave, but I also didn't want to make a decision like that right in front of him. There was no way I was going to slow down my mind at this point. I was moving automatically, like I had been programmed to escape and obsess over the details.

  He guided me back out of that dungeon and today, he kissed me goodbye before I got in my car. It was a kiss that seemed both bittersweet and dominating, one that was somehow perfectly reflective of his demeanor.

  "Goodbye, Marisa. I'll see you soon."

  "B-b-bye," I stammered, still overwhelmed by the kiss. I was still a little shaky, so I drove slowly.


  I didn't get in the shower when I got home, and I didn't eat that evening. In fact, I couldn't sleep that night either. I did nothing but think about Roland and his offer.

  Why was I so concerned about the biggest story of my career? Was it for the money? The fame? If it were for the money, I realized that staying with Roland made a lot more sense. Was it really that simple though? Just money or fame? There was truth to set free, but what good would it do now anyway? StarChem had totally changed all of its practices and had become the closest thing to a green chemical company possible. After the spills that led Roland to resign, they had been under intense public scrutiny—and they had buckled to it, going above and beyond to make their practices more ethical.

  Roland also made me feel something like I'd never felt before, something so new and unique. New York City was nothing but numbness for me, just doing what I had to do to get by, not really connecting with anyone aside from sharing a few laughs now and then. I had been so busy that I never even considered trying to find a man. Yet, here was one now, offering himself and his resources to me, asking me to offer myself back. This wasn't any old guy either. This was an attractive, kind, rich, and powerful man—that wanted me just as badly as I wanted him.

  I began sobbing, realizing that Roland was absolutely right. The best years of my life were slipping away as my professional career stole every available minute of every day. No, I hadn't actually been happy in years. I was hiding behind my persona as a journalist, using it to avoid having to do the things that humans normally did. It was a crutch.

  I deliberated long and hard after realizing Roland's apparent wisdom. Was staying with him really the best way to fix my problems? Technically, I had all of the time in the world to make my decision—Roland would apparently just give me all the information I needed for the perfect story if I made that choice—but I really wanted to get it over with. I didn't want to agonize, to obsess. For the first time in years, I wanted a break worse than anything, a break long enough that I'd forget about my career for at least a little while.

  Morning was already in full swing, so I headed down to the lobby and got all the coffee I could drink. Amped up, hungry, and a mess, I headed back out to Roland's house, not concerned with the beautiful landscape today. I pulled in and parked my car. Totally unlike every other visit thus far, I just jumped out of the car and headed to the house. I knew why I was here and I knew what was about to happen.

  I walked up the steps to the front porch and pounded on the door until I noticed the doorbell. I pressed it once and waited. The door swung open.

  "Marisa! How lovely to see you!"

  "Roland," I said, barely able to contain my excitement. "I want to stay."

  His face lit up. As much as I would have assumed that he already knew how this was all going to end, he genuinely looked surprised. "Marisa, I simply can't believe it!" He wrap
ped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. I desperately hugged him back, so grateful to be here with him again. "Let's have a celebration," he said.

  I followed him inside and sat down on the couch where things had first started. Everything was different now—but I felt good, relieved that I was finally about to get a break from my regular life.

  "Welcome to the Starland Resort," Roland said. "We're open for business year round. Stay as long as you please." He grinned at me, his eyes lighting up in a way that was the very antithesis of the burning seriousness I had gotten used to. I didn't know if I was witnessing pure joy or just a hollow emotional attempt. Roland was not a black and white sort of guy.

  I smiled back. This felt good. Things were going to turn out great after all. I had made the right decision and now I'd never look back. Those were probably the darkest secrets he had, right?

  Well, I certainly hoped that was case...



  The next part of Learning to Trust (Interviewing the Billionaire) is available now! Thanks for reading!

  A Word from the Author:

  If you’re here reading this, I just wanted to take a moment to thank you so much for purchasing and reading my work. Leave a review if you feel so inclined; it will help others discover whether or not my stories are for them and help me to learn and grow as an author. These stories are enjoyable for me to write, and if you get something out of them—no matter how large or small that something may be—I’ve done my job. See, erotica is definitely a creative art, and sometimes that creative spark is lost in routine, boring creations. I set out to make erotica that people could feel in a variety of ways, and I’m always glad to learn that people are truly experiencing/sharing my vision. If you have any requests or comments, don’t hesitate to email me at the address on the contact page.